Guaranteed quality and traceability
Quality, safety, and the environment are at the heart of our concerns. That's why one member of our team is 100% dedicated to these subjects, to regulatory issues and to continuous improvement.
We are committed to an HACCP approach and have a food quality range.
We carry out over 500 analyses a year guaranteeing product traceability all the way back to the producer and potentially to the plot.
SCA3P also benefits from genuine expertise in the filtration, stabilization, and aging of essential oils, blending and sensory control.
Labels & certifications
Most of our varieties are available organically, and we also sell a Fine Lavender with Protected Designation of Origin “Haute-Provence”, which meets specific requirements.
In 2023, we obtained UEBT certification for the ethical sourcing a part of our Lavandin Grosso Essential Oil produced by 3 of our members producers on the Plateau de Valensole. The sourcing of this iconic ingredient of our production and of our beautiful Provence is based on respect for people and biodiversity, a key pillar of our CSR policy, to ensure the sustainability of the industry.
To go further, we have recently taken steps to offer Fair For Life-certified essential oils from fair trade sources in the near future.
SCA3P's commitment to CSR
Living in an ever-changing world, it's our duty to adapt to change by responding to the challenges of Sustainable Development.
The cooperative is a human-scale structure, focused on fairness, exchanges, safety and well-being at work. Our sourcing is both local and ethical, and we are committed to preserving biodiversity and respecting the environment, notably through research to meet the challenges of climate change.
We are committed to implementing more sustainable farming and business practices. We contribute to the development of our region and work to preserve it by supporting the various organizations that revolve around the profession, and by building relationships of trust with our various stakeholders that are respectful and contribute to a better future.
CSR recognition

Since 2023, the cooperative has been a UEBT member. This is a non-profit association that promotes ethical sourcing by defining best practices on how companies and their suppliers source ingredients from biodiversity. Its members work to regenerate nature and guarantee a better future for all human beings.